The PwnageTool was one of the first Jailbreaking tools released, and it dates back all the way to the iOS 1 firmware generation. It is the oldest Jailbreaking tool that is still maintained by the iPhone Dev-Team. The PwnageTool can be used to Jailbreak the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and even Apple TV. The iPhone Dev Team released PwnageTool 3.0 yesterday. Click here to download PwnageTool 3.0 via BitTorrent (Mac Only). The iPhone Dev Team has done it again - iPhone OS 3.0 is jailbroken and, using PwnageTool on a Mac, first generation iPhone users can do a clean jailbreak. The same thing cannot be said about.
Turn Clutter on using Exchange PowerShell You can enable Clutter manually for a mailbox by running the Set-Clutter cmdlet. Example: Turn on Clutter for a single user named Allie Bellew: Set-Clutter -Identity “Allie Bellew” -Enable $true. Once this is done, Focused Inbox will be turned off and Clutter will be active again. Archive button not available in my outlook for mac. See steps below: Steps to re-enable Clutter (for admin) As an Office 365 admin, you can re-enable Clutter using Exchange PowerShell. You can also view Clutter settings for mailboxes in your organization by running the Get-Clutter cmdlet.
Advertisements Finally Dev Team released Pwnage tool for iPhone 3GS Firmware 3.1, the latest firmware update OS 3.1 contains a baseband firmware update 5.11.04 which is not compatible with Ultrasn0w. Means if you upgrade your iPhone 3GS 3.0 to 3.1 your baseband also upgrades from Modem FW 04.26.08 to 5.11.04, Now the problem is you can’t unlock baseband 5.11.04 with any utility out in the wild. Thanks to Dev team, PwnageTool program let’s you update your main firmware without touching your baseband firmware, so you can still have the best of both worlds. Here we have a simple to follow guide which shows you how to upgrade and unlock your iPhone 3G from Firmware 3.0 to Firmware 3.1 without upgrading your baseband. Am i eligible for Pwnage tool or not?.
I have an iPhone 3GS 3.0/3.0.1 redsn0wed: You are in. I have an iPhone 3GS 3.1 and saved SHSH to Cydia: You are in But Downgrade to 3.0 with the following guide. I have an iPhone 3GS 3.1 but didn’t saved SHSH to Cydia: You are out of luck In short new pwnage tool release is specifically for 3gs users who are using 3.0.X, If you updated to 3.1 without your shsh saved to Cydia then you can’t do anything with this release. Requirements:. iPhone 3GS. Mac OS X Leopard, Snow Leopard. iPhone Firmware OS 3.1.
Pwnage Tool Download Here Step One). Download the required files and make a folder on Desktop called “ iHackintosh” or whatever you want and put the Firmware 3.1 and Pwnage tool in iHackintosh folder. Close all other running programs and launch Pwnage tool from iHackintosh folder by double click.
Choose your Mode, Simple Mode or Expert Mode. Simple Mode – Which provides step by step instructions as below and automatically detects your correct firmware and adds the unlock and activation and jailbreak with Cydia automatically to your custom firmware.
Expert Mode – Where you can adjust the settings on the various different additions to the custom firmware – if you click through and do not change anything in expert mode it will make the same In the following post we used Expert mode for better reliability. In the next window click and select your iPhone. A big green check-mark will appear over the image of the phone which you selected. Once you selected the iPhone model then click the blue arrow button at bottom to continue.
You will be brought to the 'Browse for IPSW' Windows. On my Hackint0sh, it automatically found the IPSW. If PwnageTool doesn’t automatically find the ipsw file you can click Browse for IPSW(Just in Case) Step Six). In the next screen click to select General then click the blue arrow button at the bottom right corner. You’ll get to the General Settings Screen.
The General settings allows you to decide the partition size, Activate the phone and Enabled baseband update. The most crucial step of your process so be careful and read it 3-4 times before getting in to the business. Check Activate the phone if you are not with an official carrier then click the blue arrow button. Deselect Activate if you have an iPhone legitimately activated on an official carrier.
If you are using an Official service provider (i.e. AT&T) you do not need to 'Unlock Baseband', therefore you can Uncheck “Activate the phone”. If You are using an Unofficial service provider (i.e. T-Mobile) then check “Activate the phone” So you can enjoy Ultrasn0w with the 3.1 Step Eight). The next window Cydia settings menu allows you to create custom packages so you do not have to manually install them later. Click to select the Download packages tab.
Then click the Refresh button to display all the available packages. Double clicking the package you want will download it and make it available in the Select Packages tab.
Checkmark the ones you want then Click the blue arrow button. The Custom Packages Settings menu displays listed package settings for your custom IPSW.
For know leave these settings as is. Click the blue arrow button to continue. The Custom Logos Settings menu allows you to add your own images, you can pick your custom logo settings. If you uncheck them both, the originals will remain. Once done click the blue arrow button to continue. You are now ready to begin the Pwnage process! Click the Build button to select it then click the Blue arrow button to begin.
Step Eleven). You will be asked to save your custom.ipsw file. Save it to your Pwnage folder you created on your Desktop. Your IPSW is not being built.
Please allow up to 10 minutes. You will be asked to enter your administrator password.
Do this then click the OK button. Step Twelve). PwnageTool makes your iPhone into the mode of repair, called 'Recovery Mode', Make sure your iPhone is connected to the computer then follow Step Thirteen to put your iPhone into recovery mode. Step Thirteen).
How to put your iPhone in recovery mode. Turn the device completely off and disconnect it from cable/dock. Hold down the home button. While holding down the home button connect to a computer with a cable (easiest) or dock. Keep holding down the home button until you see a connect-to-itunes screen You are now in recovery mode. When done correctly your iPhone will display an image of the iTunes logo and a usb cable. ITunes will also pop-up saying it has detected an iPhone in recovery mode.
Step Fourteen). Now enter in iTunes to restore your iPhone. Logo of guy that tells iTunes detected an iPhone in DFU mode and you need to restore. Step Sixteen). In iTunes, hold the Alt/Option key and click Restore. Navigate to the iHackintosh folder on your desktop using the dialog window that appears.
Select the custom IPSW that was created and click the Open button. ITunes will now restore the firmware on your iPhone. This can also take up to 10 minutes. I have been trying to jailbreak my iphone 3gs for two days now using this method and each time I keep getting error code 1604. My iphone was jailbroken before 3.1 came out and I also have the phone’s SHSH registered with cydia. Not sure why this new jailbreak method is not working on the phone, but I am now stuck with version 3.1. If anyone has a similar issue and can help me resolve it, then please let me know.
Presently my iPhone 3gs has 3.1 7C144 with Modem Firmware 05.11.07. And AT&T carrier version at 5.5.
I know I can downgrade to 3.0, but don’t to loose my info and restore the phone again. OK, so we have made a great advance in 3.1. It is GREAT to see that they have gotten so far so quickly, on such a painful piece of software. DEV Team, thanks for your hardwork!!
OK, so here is my question. I have a new out of the box 3GS, and it has never had jailbreak. So I see that I am still waiting for them to get to it. Is there any manual software out there, for MAC, that will allow me to capture my SHSH?
I found one for windows, but it just didn’t do anything. If this software exists, can I use it to jailbreak with the steps above? Patty: It’s just a guess, but I suspect these guys all own Macs of various flavours and do all of the primary coding and hacking on their Macs.
Which means that the tools are largely “ready to go” when they finally do come up with a stable, reliable method of jailbreaking or unlocking. However, this means that they’ve got to take all of that code and port it over to Windows – a lot of work for people that don’t make any money off’ve all of this yet have already put in a lot of time. So they don’t have a lot of incentive to do a Windows version first, nor a lot of incentive to do a Windows version second-but-quickly. Not too long after I bought my iPhone 3G I also bought a MacBook Pro. I didn’t see a reason to try to make two major pieces of hardware/software from two large, competing companies try to work with each other when there was a hardware/software combination that would perfectly mesh with each other and everything else around them. I must say that I haven’t regretted my decision at all and if zero-day jailbreaking tools are very important to you you’re going to have to stump for a Mac.